Minecraft is a popular open world game that you can play as a solo or as a multiplayer. For one to play the game as a multiplayer, you need to rent or host a server. Hosting a server is generally better as it tends to be less expensive than renting. If you want to host the host, here are steps you ought to follow.
Download the app
You need to download the Minecraft app from the Minecraft site and save it in your PC. Prior to downloading the program, you have to ensure that your computer is compatible with this program. By way of example, you need to make certain your computer has a fast CPU and adequate RAM. Because Minecraft requires java to operate, you need to ensure that you’re PC Has the newest version of java. Window computers typically do not include pre-installed java; consequently, you need to download it from coffee site. Mac computers usually come with Java pre-installed and generally update automatically. If your Mac does not have the most recent version of Java, you may download it from the Java web site.
Prepare the program for use
As soon as you have downloaded Minecraft, you want to prepare it for use. If you are using a windows computer, you just have to double-click the file you had stored the program in. After double clicking you will find an interface window along with a string of messages. If you are using a Mac computer, you want to create a control file. You Do that by opening Text Edit and from the format menu, select ‘create plain text’. You then need to copy the instruction:’ or bin or bash cod dirham 0 exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar’ then save the document in exactly the exact same file you had stored the downloaded Minecraft.
Customize how you want to play the sport
You can do that by accessing the properties file of the server. You do this with a notepad in windows or Text Edit in Maces. You should configure the settings to your liking and then save the changes. For Instance, if you want to play the game in survival mode of Minecraft Server Hosting, you need to leave the game style setting at’0′; however, if you would like to play the match in creative manner you will need to put the game style to ‘I’.
Determine who can get into the game
Here you only need to edit the white-list file by adding the username of every player that you would wish to get into the server. To save, you need to press enter after username.
Get your public IP address
This is the address which you supply to anyone who wants to join with the server however he is outside your immediate community. Finding the IP address is simple as you simply have to do an online search using an argument such as what’s my IP.